Tuesday, 11 January 2011

SKILLS: Livetype

Today we had a tutorial on LiveType which is a software programme developed by Apple, which creates animated title sequences for video projects. It includes many things such as fonts, textures, objects, templates and effects. It can import any standard media files and can create text tracks whose style can be thoroughly specified. The text can be edited, so that the titles can be on curved or shaped into whatever you want. All attributes of each title or character can be changed and key framed, including the size, drop shadow, outline, glow, opacity and tracking of the text.

 'LiveFont' is one of the program's key features. These are fonts with animated characters. Examples of the LiveFonts shipped with LiveType are animated handwriting, smoke writing, fire, and blinking LED characters. It is also possible to create custom LiveFonts, but the necessity of generating a separate movie file for each letter makes the file sizes very large.
Various animation effects can be applied to type, either LiveFonts or normal system fonts. There are, for example, glows, scrolls, fades and zooms. The timing of the effects can be customized and new effects can be created from scratch using keyframing.

Apart from text, there is a wide range of animated objects and textures that can be added to a sequence, and there are a number of templates such as title themes and. Any image or movie file can also be placed and edited on to it.

After being shown what can be done with this spectacular program we all had a turn to play around with it and get a feel of what it can do.

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